I can’t believe this wonderful exhibition has been supported and nurtured for 30 years. That is beyond our inaugural committee’s wildest dreams. The intention of celebrating the creative community of the Wollombi Valley and supporting the educational experiences and opportunities for those young minds at Laguna Public School has well and truly been in good hands for these three decades.

Congratulations Laguna Public School and the parents and community of the Wollombi Valley for supporting the arts and thank you to the artists who generously offer their artwork each year for sale.

It takes a village to raise a child and 30 years of the Laguna Art Show prove what this village has been able to work together to provide opportunities for their children to thrive in a creative community.

Congratulations to everyone who has been part of this history.
— Dr Miranda Lawry
Laguna P&C’s Art Exhibition is an inspirational example of staff, students, parents and community coming together.

Thirty years for a school’s major fundraiser is testament to not only the vision, hard work and co-operation of parents, it is also a true indicator of the community’s support for its school. Congratulations!
— Chris Davey
Congratulations to Laguna School P & C on 30 years of fostering the arts in the Wollombi Valley.

The annual art show was one of the reasons I moved to Laguna and put my three children into the school. Now I am proud to say that my grandchildren are attending this wonderfully diverse school.

May you continue to support the local arts and provide those much needed extras for a full educational experience.
— Janine Oliver (Rosa's Mum)

A big thanks to Miranda Lawry who sent through this newspaper clipping from our inaugural art exhibition in September 1992!