A message from our school principal - Craig Howe

‘Next year we celebrate 150 years of Laguna Public School educating children in this valley. In the ensuing decades after our school was established in 1873 there were up to a dozen schools in the valley - Wollombi, Watagan Creek, Yengo, Dairy Arm, Paynes Crossing and more, and with the closing of the Wollombi school in 2014 we have become the last remaining public school in the valley. And next year when we celebrate our 150 years we will look back over the school's history but importantly also looking forward and focusing on providing another 150 years of education in our community.

Education has changed a lot over the years, in most cases reflecting the corresponding changes in our society. There are some obvious changes, such as the rise of technology and the demise of copperplate handwriting, and some changes that are not so obvious. Education is no longer solely focused on transferring a finite body of received knowledge to students in their seven years here, although rote learning, drills and memorising facts still have their place. There are several other facets of learning that we focus on here at Laguna Public School. One of the most important skills students learn at school is how to get on and work with a diverse group of people. Students learn to be tolerant of others, to practice kindness and appreciating how positive friendships add a deep richness to their lives. Developing these traits from an early age will be of inestimable benefit for the rest of their lives, no matter what particular sets of skills they may possess. Student wellbeing is a key focus for us. For a child to be able to thrive at school they need to feel safe, supported and understood. Programs at Laguna Public School like Seasons for Growth, Positive Behaviour for Learning, Peer Support Program sit among many other initiatives and strategies that aim to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.

And thirdly student engagement is super-important at Laguna and we have programs and activities designed to meet the particular interests of our students. Not all students rate narrative writing or mathematical problem solving at the top of their list of favourite activities (although many do!). Through school programs such as drama, visual arts, music, robotics and sport students have the opportunity to engage their passions and interests, giving them a positive attitude towards school and a greater likelihood to view all areas of the curriculum more positively. At Laguna Public School we have a strong focus on providing something special for each and every student.

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“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Squarespace